Bertrand Farm, a nonprofit educational farm in Niles, MI, whose mission is to connect people to local food production and promote sustainable agriculture, health, and Earth stewardship, produces [...]
Turtle Creek Gardens is an 18-acre farm in Delavan, WI. Their $5,000 grant allowed them them to construct swales to mitigate rainwater runoff from a neighboring conventional farm and prevent [...]
Troy Community Farm, a 5-acre farm in Madison, WI, used their $2,500 grant to purchase beehives, bees, tools, supplies, protective gear, and incorporate hands-on beekeeping experience and [...]
Sunnyside Farm, a 12-acre family farm in Dover, PA, received a $5,000 grant to build a hoop house and test a theory that growing in shallow fabric slings the length of the hoop house can increase [...]
From the Ground Up Farms, a nonprofit organization in Chico, CA, operates 10 community garden farms located on the sites of homeless shelters, residential treatment facilities, and women’s [...]
FARM Davis, a nonprofit organization in Davis, CA, that grows fruits and vegetables to be turned into meals for local low-income and homeless people received a $2,133 grant to establish an [...]
Casa Rosa Farms, a 55-acre family farm in Woodland, CA, used their $5,000 grant to purchase a used forage cutter, which will allow them to cut their own hay as fodder for their animals and cut [...]
Canvas Ranch, a 28-acre family farm in Petaluma, CA, received a $2,500 grant to purchase a grain dehuller to provide dehulling services to local grain producers. Grains are a key crop for [...]
Butterbee Farm, a 2-acre farm in Pikesville, MD, used their $3,200 grant to transition an acre of land adjacent to their current farm that was formerly part of a conventional farm into [...]
Buffalo Street Farm is one of five urban farms in Detroit, MI, that make up the City Commons CSA. Their $5,000 grant allowed them to purchase 100 fruit trees, three honeybee hives, native [...]