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You can help decide which small farms sustainability projects receive grants in 2024. These small grants (up to $5,000) have big impacts.r. 

Join The FruitGuys Community Fund 2024 Volunteer Grant Review Committee!

We welcome you to consider joining us next year. 

  • Up to 20 volunteers will be chosen
  • Review and score farm grant  applications virtually. 
  • During February and March 2024, volunteers will spend approximately 4 hours in group discussions of grantee recommendations, in addition to reading and scoring applicants’ grants on their own time. 

Interested? Please complete the Volunteer Questionnaire. Or, if you have additional questions, contact us at 

*Volunteers must not be affiliated with a current applicant. Alumni grantees are welcome to participate. 

2024  Grant Review Committee MEETING SCHEDULE & DEADLINES:

  • Thursday, February 1, 1-1:30 p.m. PST; Orientation/Reviewer Training 
  • *Deadline: Reviews of initial grants due by Tuesday, February 6, EOD 
  • Thursday, February 8th, 12-2 p.m. PST; to share and discuss suggestions. 
  • Thursday, February 15th, 1-2 p.m. PST; to make finalist selections. 
  • Wednesday, March 6, 1–2 p.m. PST; Orientation Finalist Phase
  • *Deadline: Reviews of finalists due by Wednesday March 13 EOD
  • Wednesday, March 20th, 1–2 p.m. PST; Presenting data & beginning discussion 
  • Wednesday, March 27th, 1–2 p.m. PST. Closing discussions & final suggestions

Can’t Volunteer? Consider Donating to our 2024 campaign 

Gifts of any amount help us fund the future of small farms and sustainable agriculture. All donations are 100% tax-deductible and go directly to the grants, not administrative costs. Donate today


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