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We know that small farms are an indispensable part of local communities. We believe that they benefit the economy and help to protect the environment and natural resources. Since 2012, we’ve awarded more than $214,000 to 54 small sustainable farms. In 2018, we were able to award $47,534 in grants to 13 small farms out of 130 applications. This year, we received a record 318 letters of intent (a 140% increase) proposing many wonderful sustainability projects from very worthy farms. There’s such a need to help. That’s why we want to extend our reach. Our goal is to raise an additional $5,000 allowing us to support three more farms. 

Our grant review is underway!

Our grant review committee has chosen 21 finalists based on specific criteria, including project feasibility, proposed objective(s), and regional impact. Volunteers are reading through finalist applications to help select the 2019 grantees. We’d like to fund up to three more grants. To do that, we need to reach our goal. Please share and encourage others to donate. No donation is too small.

Here’s a ready-to-go post you can share to help us meet our goal:

Check out @The FruitGuys Community Fund and the impact these sustainable agriculture grants can have on a small farm! PLEASE help support small farms and sustainable agriculture ALL over the nation. DONATE and SHARE: #SmallFarmsBigImpacts

Your support will help build a more sustainable food system by directly backing the small farms that steward our land and put food on our tables every day!

Our Vision is Simple:

“From a Small Seed, the World Can be Sustained.”

We believe that independent farms can lead their communities, providing a model of self-reliance and land stewardship. In essence, good food comes from land lovingly tended by farmers who use environmentally sustainable growing practices. Their customers enjoy nutritious produce, feeding their bodies and their community. Our grants help small farms in their journey toward environmental and economic health.

Small Farms Need Our Help

Our grants fund all types of projects, for example:

  • Fruit trees to help preserve heirloom fruit varieties and diversify farm income.
  • Cover crop seeds and landscape fabric to improve soil health and decrease their reliance on fossil fuels for soil cultivation.
  • Bat and birdhouses to provide natural pest control and facilitate public education about these important species.
  • Solar system to bring power to a rural farm and allow for an on-farm office and intern housing.
  • Seed saving equipment to increase their resilience and preserve and share important heirloom varieties.

Your Donation has a Huge Impact on a Small Farm

Independent farmers are struggling. They are masters at stretching budgets, applying precious dollars to projects that contribute to food sustainability and economic stability. Often they are the unsung heroes in our communities. You may see them at your local farmers market. Or, you enjoy their fresh, organic produce at your favorite neighborhood cafe.

Before granting money to a farm, The FruitGuys Community Fund reviews each grant request carefully. 100% of your donation goes to the farm, not consultants or administrative fees. We fund projects that address water conservation, natural pest control, energy efficiency, soil health or pollination. Feel good that your money goes to producing healthy and sustainable food. Double your funds by asking your employer about a matching contribution!

Your shared commitment to our passion is truly inspiring. THANK YOU for helping us achieve it!

*Your donation is tax-deductible. Donors will receive a donation receipt via email.

Questions? Email:

The FruitGuys Community Fund
C/O Community Initiatives
1000 Broadway Suite 480
Oakland, CA 94607


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