Chicago Lights Urban Farm in Chicago, IL received $5,000 grant to install solar panels on their greenhouse, which is used for early seeding, year round production, education programs, and [...]
Friends of Great Kids Farm in Baltimore, MD received a $5,000 grant to plant a nursery orchard of low maintenance, schoolyard growable fruit trees, brambles, vines, shrubs in order to supply [...]
Black Oaks Center for Sustainable Renewable Living in Pembroke, IL received a $3,570 grant for a 3acre blueberry patch, beehives, compost system, bat boxes, and support for their urban farm [...]
Red Heart Ranch in Finley, CA is owned and operated by husband and wife duo, John Moorhead and Rose Davidson. On 22 acres they grow a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as raise chickens, [...]
Snipes Family Farm and Education Center in Morrisville, PA received a $5,000 grant to purchase fencing to add livestock onto their farm, helping to diversify the farm’s income and holdings.