Chicago Lights Urban Farm

Chicago Lights Urban Farm in Chicago, IL received $5,000 grant to install solar panels on their greenhouse, which is used for early seeding, year ­round production, education programs, and [...]

Gabriel Farm

Gabriel Farm in Sebastopol, CA received a $5,000 grant to build and install a bat belfry and bat boxes, and extend a pollinator hedgerow project.

Lagier Ranches

Lagier Ranches in Escalon, CA received a $2,500 grant to install native pollinator hedgerows along the border of their almond orchard.

Friends of Great Kids Farm

Friends of Great Kids Farm in Baltimore, MD received a $5,000 grant to plant a nursery orchard of low­ maintenance, schoolyard ­growable fruit trees, brambles, vines, shrubs in order to supply [...]

Woodleaf Farm

Woodleaf Farm in Oroville, CA received a $2,252 grant to document the biological and economic sustainability of agro­ecosystem farming techniques.  

Real Food Farm

Real Food Farm in Baltimore, MD received a $5,000 grant for soil remediation, pollinator habitat installation, and seed cover crop.

Red Heart Ranch

Red Heart Ranch in Finley, CA is owned and operated by husband and wife duo, John Moorhead and Rose Davidson. On 22 acres they grow a variety of fruits and vegetables as well as raise chickens, [...]