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Ducks in a fieldOver the Moon Farm & Flowers, a 4-acre farm in Coggon, IA, run by two young queer women farmers, grows cut flowers and humanely-raised chicken, turkey, pork, beef, and eggs sold through their CSA. They received a $5,000 grant to purchase electric poultry net fencing and the planting of trees, perennial flowers, and shrubs for a windbreak that will double as future habitat for their pasture-based poultry.

The poultry net fencing and cover crop seeds already allowed Over the Moon to expand their pastured poultry production. They have also planted their perennials which will provide future shade for the poultry, windbreaks, and protection from chemical drift. Co-Owner Anna Hankins said, “while they have only just begun to grow, we know that their future impact will allow us to have a more sustainable and viable farm business.”


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