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Farmer Matt

Barnraiser Update: We did it!!

We made our minimum funding goal of $5,000!! Thanks to our funders, the amount raised allowed us to support two additional farms in 2016. This increased the number of grants awarded to small American farms and agricultural nonprofits to 10, providing a total of $40,133 in funding for sustainable agriculture projects. Thanks again for your contribution to our crowdfunding campaign! We couldn’t have made it this far without your support!

Your donation has a huge impact on a sustainable small farm. Before granting money to a farm, The FruitGuys Community Fund reviews each grant request carefully. 100% of your donation goes to the farm, not consultants or administrative fees. We fund projects that address water conservation, natural pest control, energy efficiency, soil health or pollination. Feel good that your money goes to producing healthy and sustainable food.


Ready to Support Small American Farms & Sustainable Agriculture?

The FruitGuys has a long history of helping small American Farms. Originally sprouting from The Farm Steward Program, we officially bloomed into The FruitGuys Community Fund in 2012. Over the last five years, 21 small farms and agricultural nonprofits have received over $85,000 in grants. And the demand is even higher; the number of grant requests grew over 55%! That’s why this year we want to help even more farms. Five more farms to be exact. That means we need at least $10,000 in new donations. To help us achieve that goal we’re launching a crowdfunding campaign on Barnraiser, a social and funding community dedicated to sustainable food and farming.

Our Manifesto

Our vision is simple: “from a small seed, the world can be sustained.” We believe that independent farms can lead their communities, providing a model of self-reliance and land stewardship. In essence, good food comes from land lovingly tended by farmers who use environmentally sustainable growing practices. Their customers enjoy nutritious produce, feeding their bodies and their community. Our grants help small farms in their journey toward environmental and economic health.

#Raise the Roof for Environmental & Economic Sustainability

naturalbeekeeping300xSmall, independent farmers need our help. Our grants fund all types of projects, for example:

  • Solar-powered and drip-irrigation systems across their farm to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • An expanded apiary with six new hives, establishing a pollinator habitat and building a beehive observatory to facilitate on-farm classes.
  • A habitat for beneficial insects, increasing soil health with organic cover crops and implementing a non-pesticide weed management techniques.
  • Solar panels for an urban greenhouse, helping year-round food production and community outreach programs.
  • Fencing to add livestock thus diversifying a farm’s income.

Help Struggling Farmers

Your donation has a huge impact on a small farm. Independent farmers are struggling. They are masters at stretching budgets, applying precious dollars to projects that contribute to food sustainability and economic stability. Often they are the unsung heroes in our communities. You may see them at your local farmers market. Or, you enjoy their fresh, organic produce at your favorite neighborhood cafe.

Before granting money to a farm, The FruitGuys Community Fund reviews each grant request carefully. 100% of your donation goes to the farm, not consultants or administrative fees. We fund projects that address water conservation, natural pest control, energy efficiency, soil health or pollination. Feel good that your money goes to producing healthy and sustainable food production.

Support our Barnraiser Project, Fund & Share Now!

Our Barnraiser project officially launches today — Monday, February 22nd. Support The FruitGuys Community Fund and our small farm grants with these five easy steps:

  1. Go to The FruitGuys Community Fund Project on Barnraiser.
  2. Watch our video and see how we help small, independent farmers across the U.S.
  3. Fund our Project! Choose a funding level and receive a thank you gift.
  4. Tell others you’ve donated and share our Barnraiser Project link.
  5. Use #SmallGrantsBigImpacts to help us spread the word and make our $10,000 goal.

Contribute to our crowdfunding campaign today and let others know you support sustainable projects that change the way we eat and live!

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