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Three smiling people beside newly planted fruit treeStonefield Farm of Boston Area Gleaners is a 25-acre agricultural nonprofit in Acton, MA, on land that has been farmed for nearly 100 years. Boston Area Gleaners recently purchased the farm to further its mission to support an equitable, just, and sustainable local food system. They received a $4,931 grant to purchase and plant native hydrophilic trees, including willows and red maples, to absorb excess water in poor drainage areas. In addition, native pollinator plants that thrive in a wet environment will complement the area.

Stonefield Farm was able to do some grading in their wettest field and begin installing their trees and plants and will finish their final seeding in the spring. Senior Advisor Laurie Caldwell told us the project will provide habitat for beneficial birds and insects and “will also increase crop yields in the field by naturally controlling flooding.”


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